The Refugee Jatoba
The Amazon rainforest is losing the war against illegal deforestation. By using a loophole in the 1951 U.N. Refugee Convention, which defines a refugee as any living being that is persecuted and has their life put at risk in their home country, an asylum request was made for a Jatobá tree – an endangered tree species in the Amazon. The requests were sent to foreign ambassadors and printed across OOH advertisements next to over 100 embassies in Brazil.
CCO: Sergio Gordiho
ECD: Felipe Cury and Phillipe Degen
CD: Felipe Cirino, Greg Kickow and Henrique Martins
AD: Caio Gandolfi, Rodrigo Bonfim and Thiago Andrade
DESIGNERS: Greg Kickow, Ligia Fava, Marina Cota, Rafael Texeira and Thiago Andrade
CW: Diego Ferrite andGiulio Beloto